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What Island Properties Are Most Likely To Be In Demand?

Popularity ratings for different types of properties can vary greatly depending on location, cultural preferences, and individual interests. However, The Realm Team can provide a general sense of how these types of properties are often perceived in terms of popularity and fun:

Fun and Games:

    • Popularity: 8/10
    • Fun: 9/10
    • Games can include amusement parks, arcades, bowling alleys, and similar recreational facilities. These are typically quite popular for leisure and can be a lot of fun.


    • Popularity: 7/10
    • Fun: 9/10
    • Concerts and live music events are highly enjoyable for music enthusiasts and are often popular entertainment options.
    • VIP Events where Mega Fans can get a Special NFT Ticket and get signed articles or time with the personality.

All Classes of Popular Events 

Sporting Events:

    • Popularity: 8/10
    • Fun: 8/10
    • Sports events, including professional games and local matches, are widely attended and can provide a lot of excitement for fans.

Shopping Malls:

    • Popularity: 7/10
    • Fun: 7/10
    • Shopping malls are popular for shopping, dining, and entertainment, but preferences can vary widely.

Churches and Synagogues:

    • Popularity: 6/10
    • Fun: 6/10
    • Churches are important religious and spiritual places, but the perception of “fun” may vary among individuals.
    • Synagogues are also important  spiritual places. The spiritual legacy of the Jewish community and online education can bring people together.

Business Properties, Offices & Coworking Spaces:

    • Popularity: 5/10
    • Income Producing: 9/10
    • Business properties are essential for work but are not typically associated with fun or entertainment. 

Comparisons with Location, Stadium Capacity, Venue Size and Accessibility via mobile devices.

In Other Virtual Properties:

The value of one virtual island property or Land Title compared to another Land Title can vary significantly based on several factors, similar to how real-world property values are influenced by:

Location, Amenities, Activities, Social, Media Influencers and Personal Demand.

Here are some factors that can make one virtual island more valuable than another in The Realm:


Just like in the real world, location matters in a metaverse. Islands located in prime or central areas of the virtual world may be more valuable because they are more accessible and may have better views or proximity to virtual landmarks.

Size and Shape:

The size and shape of the virtual island can affect its value. Larger islands may offer more space for development and creativity, making them more valuable. Unique or aesthetically pleasing shapes may also be more desirable.


Islands that are easily accessible by virtual transportation or have teleportation points may be more valuable, as they are more convenient for users to visit.

Community and Social Interaction:

Such Islands that foster a strong and active virtual community may prove to be more valuable, as they can provide opportunities for social interaction and engagement.

Development and Customization:

The ability to customize and develop the virtual island can add value. Some metaverse platforms allow users to build and design their properties, so islands with more development potential may be more valuable, as with The Realm™ Properties that will generate large income from events through ticket sales with the NFT Fanbase™ Game Day Ticketing will be bought up rapidly.

Reputation and History:

Island locations with a rich history, cultural significance, or a reputation for hosting popular entertainment, sporting or concert events or experiences may be more valuable due to their established Fanbase™ and social recognition factor.

Demand and Scarcity:

The demand for certain virtual islands in The Realm™ will also fluctuate based on social trends, user preferences, and The Realm’s™ potential marketing efforts. Scarce or limited availability of virtual islands can also drive up their monetary or perceived value.

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